Quando a AMI nasceu, em 1984, o sonho era grande e as dificuldades imensas, mas a AMI cresceu e os anos passaram a uma velocidade inacreditável…
E nada disto seria possível sem a coragem e o altruísmo de todos os voluntários que nos acompanham, sem o apoio fundamental de todos os nossos parceiros, públicos e privados, que acreditam no nosso trabalho, e sem a entrega de cada um dos colaboradores, que escolheram trabalhar em prol de um mundo melhor.
O papel de cada um foi e continua a ser fundamental e o seu imprescindível contributo deixa uma marca indelével em cada uma das páginas que assinalam o percurso desta instituição a lutar por um mundo sem intolerância e sem indiferença.
We have, since 1984, one single mission: to help Humankind.
It doesn’t matter when, how and where.
From the single individual to a global scale, we face all challenges with the same attitude.
It doesn’t matter when, how and where.
From the single individual to a global scale, we face all challenges with the same attitude.
See also
AMI was founded in 1984, with Mankind as its main focus. Since 1987, it has intervened in 79 countries, having sent hundreds of volunteers and tonnes of aid. In the international arena, AMI carries out three large kinds of interventions: Emergency Missions, Development Missions with expatriate teams and International Projects in Partnership with Local Organizations.
Message from the President
To speak of AMI is, primarily, to remember a utopia, an ideal that was asserted and made a reality through the help provided to millions of people of every continent and through the safeguard of hundreds of thousands of lives in situations of extreme urgency.
Vision, Mission and Values
Learn the Vision, the Mission and the Values of an organization that remains committed to mitigate inequality and suffering in the World.
Find out where we are and how to contact us. See our headquarters in the map, as well as the addresses and contacts of the national delegations and Porta Amiga Centres.
Transparency and accountability
In the activity reports we include the management and accounting reports, the supervisory organs technical opinions, and the legal accounts certificate.