Being a AMI’s friend means contributing directly and regularly to the Foundation’s activities. It’s the most direct link of solidarity between the civil society and the work of the NGO. More than any other source of funding, AMI’s friends allows us to budget our missions in a timely manner and respond more quickly in emergency situations.
- Free subscription to the quarterly magazine AMI Noticias, with the opportunity to be involved in the actions and projects we develop
- Invitations to initiatives undertaken by AMI
- 37.5% discount on the registration fee in the AMI First Aid Course
- Other advantages from partnerships between AMI and INATEL, with particular emphasis on: Participation in the holiday and tourism groups promoted by INATEL; Enjoy the holiday camps, campsites, thermal establishments and sports infrastructures of INATEL; Tickets for shows performed at the Trindade Theater and at the 1º de Maio Games Park, with prices similar to those of INATEL members; Access to Free Time Magazine.
How to become an AMI’s friend:
Send your request via e-mail to [email protected]
If you are already an AMI’s friend and want to update your personal data, just send an email with your number to the same email address.