- 30 years os international missions
- 10th anniversary of the Solidarity Adventure project
- “AMI Alimenta” brand launch
- Superbrands Solidarity Special Prize / RTP+ 2016
- 4ª Edition of the “Encontros Improváveis” initiative, with the theme “Boa Governação: Alicerce para um Futuro Sustentável”
- Launch of the Fund for Social Promotion and Development
- Launch of AMI’s University Fund
- New missions: Greece, Italy, Tanzania
- 3rd Edition of the “Encontros Improváveis” initiative, with the theme “Direitos Humanos – Desafios Atuais na Europa e no Mundo” (Human Rights — Current Challenges in Europe and the World).
- AMI’s 30th Anniversary
- Closing of the development missions in the Caué districts, São Tomé and Príncipe, and in the Sanitary Region of Bolama, Guinea-Bissau
- Opening of a new mission with expatriate elements in the Quinara region, Guinea-Bissau
- New missions: Iraqi Kurdistan, Madagascar, Niger
- Second edition of the “Encontros Improváveis” initiative with the theme “Uma Economia Verde num Mundo Azul” (A Green Economy in a Blue World).
- Joined PALUS – Platform of Lusophone Associations
- New missions: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Uganda, Uruguay
- 1st Edition of the “Encontros Improváveis” initiative, with the theme: “Novas Formas de Organização do Trabalho” (New Forms of Labour Organization).
- Launch of the “SOS Pobreza”, AMI’s first national solidarity brand
- Launch of the X-Ray recycling campaign in Spain
- Opening of the new facilities of the Centro Porta Amiga in Almada, on November 20th
- Launch of the 5th Digital Library FNAC/AMI against Info-exclusion – Centro Porta Amiga of Almada
- AMI has joined UN Global Compact, a UN initiative whose objective is to encourage businesses and organizations from civil society to voluntarily align their politics and strategies with 10 universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, as well as promoting support actions to UN objectives, such as the Millennium Development Goals. It’s a platform of leadership for the development, implementation and propagation of responsible business practices. Created in 2000, it’s the biggest global business social responsibility initiative, with more than 800 signatories in over 135 countries. As a participant of UN Global Compact, AMI commits to:
- Support the 10 Principles of Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption;
- Promote those principles in their sphere of influence, announcing their commitment to its stakeholders and to the general public;
- Participate in the activities of UN Global Compact, namely in the local networks, specialized initiatives and partnership programs;
- Creation of the “Linka-te aos Outros” Award
- Launch of the Ecoética Project
- Launch of a voluntary pool for Humanitarian Action
- Inauguration of the Social Residence in S. Miguel (Azores) on December 5th
- New mission: Ethiopia
- Launch of the 4th Digital Library FNAC/AMI against Info-exclusion – Centro Porta Amiga of Funchal
- AMI’s 25th anniversary
- Launch of the I International Forum – “Encontro de Culturas: Ouvir para Integrar”
- Concert Against Indifference by the Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa in commemoration of AMI’s 25th anniversary
- New missions: Bangladesh, Cape Verde, Zimbabwe, Phillipines, Haiti, Indonesia
- Launch of the 3rd Digital Library FNAC/AMI against Info-exclusion – Centro Porta Amiga of Porto
- Book launch: “Humanidade: Despertar para a Cidadania Global Solidária”
- Opening of the “Centro Porta Amiga” in Angra do Heroísmo on the 12th of December
- Book launch: “Fundo Contra a Indiferença”
- Book launch: “Imagens Contra a Indiferença”
- The Special Consultative Status “NGO in Special Consultative Status” was awarded to AMI by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC)
- Launch of the 2nd Digital Library FNAC/AMI against Info-exclusion – Centro Porta Amiga of Cascais
- New missions: Mali, Myanmar
- Opening of the Espaço AMIArte
- 1st “Pontes de AMIzade” Race in Coimbra
- Launch of the “Missão Aventura Solidária” project
- Book launch: “Gritos Contra a Indiferença”
- Book launch: “20 Anos a Passar Fronteiras”
- Commemoration of 20 years of missions
- 1st Meeting of national AMI volunteers
- 1st International Volunteer Training Action
- Launch of the Used Food Oil Collection project
- New missions: China, Kenya, Liberia
- Launch of the 1st Digital Library FNAC/AMI against Info-exclusion – Centro Porta Amiga of Vila Nova de Gaia
- Opening of the Night Shelter in Porto on January 6th
- New missions: Afghanistan, Angola (Chiange), Australia, Cameroon, Indonesia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mozambique, Palestine, Panama, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor
- AMI was given the Status of Consultant Observer of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP).
- New missions: United States of America, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic.
- Launch of the toner and computer consumables recycling projects
- Launch of AMI’s Citi Card
- Creation of the Sri Lanka – Portugal Burgher Foundation
- Opening of AMI’s Delegation in Terceira Island (Azores)
- Opening of AMI’s Delegation in S. Miguel (Azores)
- Opening of the “Centro Porta Amiga” in Vila Nova de Gaia on the 23rd of December
- AMI’s 20th anniversary: Exhibition at Cordoaria Nacional
- Book launch: “Histórias para Não Adormecer II”
- New missions: Bolivia, Chad/Darfur, Central African Republic, Sri Lanka
- Book launch “Viagens Contra a Indiferença”
- For the first time, AMI participates in the conferences of the United Nations (UN) Department of Public Information (DPI)
- Launch of the “AMI Saúde — Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias” health award.
- New missions: Indonesia – West Papua, Iraq/Jordan
- Launch of AMI´s “Cartão Saúde” (Health Card)
- Inauguration of AMI’s new facilities in Porto
- Constitution of AMI Centres all over the country
- “Viver Timor… Amar Timor… Deixar Timor” event
- New missions: Pakistan/Afghanistan, Argentina, Fiji Islands, Ukraine
- Start of the “Equipa de Rua” (Street Team) project in Lisbon
- Participation in the I World Social Forum (Porto Alegre – Brazil)
- New missions: Cameroon, El Salvador
- Opening of the “Centro Porta Amiga” in Coimbra on April 8th
- AMI´s activities were recognized as being of Superior Social Interest by joint order of both Health and Finance Ministries
- Start of the Domiciliary Care Service
- Book launch: “Olhares do Mundo”
- New missions: Chile, North Korea, Pakistan, Peru
- Opening of the “Centro Porta Amiga” in Chelas (Lisbon) on March 31st
- Launch of AMI´s Award: “Journalism Against Indifference”
- New missions: Australia, Bangladesh, Macedonia/Kosovo, Nicaragua, Timor, Venezuela
- New Missions: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Colombia, Honduras, Guinea-Bissau, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Togo
- Accreditation of INOFOR for Employment and Professional Training
- Book launch “Histórias Para Não Adormecer I”
- Opening of the Night Shelter in Graça (Lisbon) on November 10th
- Opening of the “Centro Porta Amiga” in Funchal (Madeira) on November 29th
- II Forum of Cooperation and Solidarity
- First “Barometer of Solidarity”
- Opening of AMI’s Delegation in Madeira
- Opening of the “Centro Porta Amiga” in Almada, on January 3rd
- Opening of the “Centro Porta Amiga” in Cascais, on July 4th
- Launch of the “Clube de Emprego”
- Launch of the “Espaço Criança”
- First X-Ray recycling campaign
- Launch of AMI’s website
- New missions: Algeria, Iraq, Nepal, Palestine, Rwanda, Senegal
- Opening of the “Centro Porta Amiga” in Porto, on the 21st of April
- AMI’s First Aid Course
- New missions: Azerbaijan, Georgia, Mexico
- Opening of the first “Centro Porta Amiga”, in Olaias, Lisbon, on the 16th of December.
- New missions: Burundi, Rwanda (refugee camp), Mozambique (support to the demobilized of RENAMO)
- First issue of AMI´s magazine — AMI Notícias
- Opening of AMI’s Delegation in Angola
- AMI opens its operational headquarters in Lisbon
- First National Collection
- New missions: Benin, Brazil, Cuba
- Opening of AMI’s Delegation in Porto
- AMI is now present in all Portuguese-speaking African countries
- New missions: Angola, Croatia, Ecuador, Kenya and Somalia, Democratic Republic of the Congo
- First business-funded mission (Entreposto Group): Mozambique
- New missions: Iran and Romania
- Opening of AMI’s Delegation in Australia
- First mission in a war scenario: Jordan
- I Forum of Cooperation and Solidarity
- First support mission to a local NGO: India
- First Emergency Mission: São Tomé and Príncipe
- First fundraising mailing in Portugal
- AMI is recognized as a Public Benefit Organization
- New missions: Cape Verde, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe
- First development mission: Guinea-Bissau
- December 5th: creation of AMI Foundation