X-Ray Recycling


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Cost: Logística e divulgação
Partners: TNT
Beneficiaries: All the population, entities that provide health services and entities that wish to participate in this initiative.


Recycling of X-rays with more than 5 years or no diagnostic value.

An annual X-ray recycling campaign is under way, during which the population can contribute by leaving their X-rays (5 years old or more, or of no diagnostic value) in the bags available at any pharmacy, without reports, envelopes or sheets of paper. Outside the campaign period, they may question at any pharmacy if they are accepting X-rays or, alternatively, they may leave them at AMI´s headquarters or delegations.

The recycling of X-rays allows to avoid their landfilling, minimizing the contamination of the environment and enabling the recovery of silver, thus reducing its extraction in nature and the harmful consequences that the process of extraction of precious metals have so often, such as destruction of natural areas or the exploitation of local populations, often in developing countries.

It is also intended to bring Portugal closer to the rest of Europe in waste reduction, and to help AMI continue their mission.

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