Solidarity Adventure


How can I help in this mission?

Your small help will be a big help for many. You can do the difference!

The Solidarity Adventure is a solidarity travel project from AMI which enables participants to co-finance and participate in a concrete development project in addition to performing leisure activities suggested and organized by local populations. These trips are genuine demonstrations of great cultural richness, with a mixture of beliefs, faith and ancestral rituals where adventure lovers […]

The Solidarity Adventure is a solidarity travel project from AMI which enables participants to co-finance and participate in a concrete development project in addition to performing leisure activities suggested and organized by local populations. These trips are genuine demonstrations of great cultural richness, with a mixture of beliefs, faith and ancestral rituals where adventure lovers learn to respect, cooperate, and live cultural differences and get to know many authentic aspects of a country.

2025 Solidarity Adventures:

The expected dates for each of the destinations are:


  • 2025 dates available soon

Project to support in Azores:

  • Solidarity Adventure – Azores will support the LIFE Natura@Night project, focused on reducing and mitigating the impact of light pollution in the Natura 2000 Network areas of Macaronesia (LIFE20 NAT/PT/001098).
  • This project aims to reduce light pollution that affects the protected areas of Madeira, Azores and Canary Islands, and mitigate its impacts on protected species at EU level. Seabirds will be used as flagship species and indicators of the impact of light pollution – one of the threats for this group in Macaronesia.
  • By working with local authorities, fishermen and the community to reduce light pollution, we will also be implementing more efficient lighting, contributing to better resource management and fighting climate change.

Guinea Bissau

  • december 2nd to 11th 2025

Project to support in Guinea-Bissau:


  • april 25th to may 4th 2025

Project to support in Senegal:

Limited vacancies. Book your holidays now!

For more information, please fill out the contact form, selecting the “Aventura Solidária” option, or send an e-mail to [email protected]

Who benefits from the Solidarity Adventure?

Each adventure is planned in partnership with the local non-governmental organization, with the aim of realizing projects that will have a positive impact and will make a valid and sustainable contribution to the development of the local population.

1º The local population:

a) Creation of jobs contributing to the settlement of populations.

b) Improvement of living conditions through the realization of the project that will serve the local community directly.

2º The Adventurer

It is an experience that fosters teamwork, involvement with the local community and knowledge of a country and its culture.

3º AMI

It is another form of fundraising to carry out projects.

Who can participate?

The Solidarity Adventure is intended for adults or minors from the age of 16, duly accompanied by the caregivers, provided they are in good health to leave. There is no maximum age.

Participation and selection conditions:

To be in good physical and psychological shape to leave in the Solidarity Adventure. It’s not being possible to take people with chronic diseases (cardiac, respiratory and metabolic), musculoskeletal and rheumatic, or diseases of the psychological and psychiatric forum.

Predisposition to accept new challenges and ability to adapt to challenging realities.

The selection does not depend on the individual competences since the tasks performed will be the same for the various Adventurers. The selection criterion is based on the order of arrival of the responses.

How is the registration made?

For each Solidarity Adventure, there is a limited number of 10 to 14 vacancies. After sending the email stating your interest to participate, pre-registration will be made according to the intended destination. To effectively guarantee the registration, you must pay the amount corresponding to the financing, depending on the destination.

How is the funding applied?

In the case of a project developed jointly with non-governmental partner organizations, which carry out their work with disadvantaged communities, support is needed for their implementation.

Thus, the Adventurer finances a specific project, and then has the opportunity to finish it in person and attend the opening ceremony. That is, the amount related to the financing (which will correspond to the receipt of a tax-deductible donation receipt, increased by 40%) is destined to the realization of the local project, in which the Adventurers will participate.

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At the beginning of 2018, the Solidarity Adventure project won the Five Star Award for the best Social Responsibility project. The results obtained in the tests and market study gives us the confidence to affirm that the Solidarity Adventure is a project considered by the consumers as very good.

Being a member of the Solidarity Adventure is to participate in work that aims to improve the health and living conditions of local communities, fostering the idea that each society can engage in its own development. In carrying out the task for which it has been appointed, each adventurer contributes to promoting the sustainability of projects developed by local civil society, while helping to create jobs and securing populations, thereby preventing migration to increasingly poor and overcrowded urban centers.

When the holidays end, instead of maps, guides and entrance tickets to monuments, we will all cherish the precious memories of having shared the lives of other people, with the realization of having contributed to a greater cause, along with the feeling of having been a part of something unique.

Know other related missions and know how to participate and help!

Your small help will be a big help for many. You can do the difference!