Economic empowerment of girls at risk and in early marriages in Cameroon

Bamenda, Mbengwi, Ndop and Nwa

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Início: November 2022
End: February 2024
Cost: Total – 25.060€ / AMI – 19.525€
Partners: SUSTAIN Cameroon
Beneficiaries: Direct – 716 Indirect – 20,000


Capacity building and economic empowerment of girls at risk and in early marriages in Cameroon through support for the establishment of their own economic activities that generate income.

This project, which represents a continuation of the project previously funded by AMI “Capacity training of 50 child brides”, seeks to reinforce the activities carried out by SUSTAIN Cameroon in supporting access to vocational courses for young girls and in supporting the establishment of their small businesses.

This project aims to support girls who are already in early marriages, but also to contribute to the prevention of these situations, empowering young women at risk through greater economic independence.

These activities are combined with actions to raise awareness of various sectors of the communities to which these girls belong.

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