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Início: January 2012
End: December 2016
Cost: 823,125 € (AMI: 100,000 € + additional 20,000 € for the rehabilitation of facilities affected by floods in January 2013) (5 years)
Partners: AFILCAR
Beneficiaries: Benefits directly approximately 13,241 people with diagnosed illnesses, and about 215,000 inhabitants of Chokwé district indirectly.
Improvement of the quality of life of the population with HIV / AIDS and other chronic diseases through efficient and quality laboratory intervention.
Despite economic growth, there are still parts of the population that are experiencing great difficulties. In the province of Chokwe, a considerable part of the population suffers from HIV / AIDS and there is a need to ensure that all the medical examinations necessary for the population that access the Hospital are available. To do this, it was decided to build a laboratory that allows the installation of hematology, biochemistry, ionograms, cultures and sensitivity tests for tuberculosis, urine, feces and body fluids; analyses of molecular biology, improving the quality of life of the population with HIV / AIDS and other diseases.